For my daughter's baptism
Written on the eve of her baptism
I was baptized once
Twice, three times for good measure
Desperate to make sure God was looking when I went under
Like a kid yelling for mom to watch before doing that really cool trick
I’m thankful for those that raised us
and the songs that uplifted us
and the stories that imprinted onto us
the way of love and humility and justice
And I want to teach them all to you and we will but oh my sweet child, dear daughter of mine, this is what I will teach you before all the rest—
You are already a beautiful, beloved Child of God.
God is already watching you, already creating life with you, with every breath you take and thing you discover about this amazing world.
There is nothing, nothing, nothing you could do to better earn or even ever lose that blessing, dear heart.
So we baptize you in the faith, trusting in that deep down, believing that no where you will ever go will be outside the love of the God who knit you together in my being, who knows your befores and afters and forevers.
You, dear one, are eternally blessed. May the waters that mark your head seal this prayer in our hearts forever. Amen.