When the Students Left

When the students left, the squirrels took over first. They yelled and ran and played, and we watched.

We saw one squirrel run up a power line. Use the cable to cross the street, and run back down. He knew what to do to stay safe. We watched.

Next, the birds took over. Did you know we have robins and cardinals and birds with blue on them and those big birds that stay high in the sky, circling the area looking for prey?

They're also louder, now that it's spring. Or is it because the students left?

I see people walking. One guy talks on his earpiece and tells funny snippets of stories, and we listen.

I once saw two women walking six feet apart, but now we're not supposed to do that either. Today it's quiet outside. Colder and gloomier. Windy. I don't see a single squirrel, bird, or walker.

But I watch.

Originally written April 13, 2020